
At first irfan was being "force" learning muqaddam or iqra' by kakak sofea. Alif, baa, taa and so on. Kakak sofea face looked so serious like teacher Fara from Salsabilla nursery. But within five minutes or less, irfan had turned to the noice make by kakak aqilah. Famously known as puteri. The sound was coming from the toys' kitchen. Buzzz. It sounds like puteri was really cooking something. Unfortunately puteri are just pretending. Playing with her toys. It not take long for sofea also join the fray. They look like a restaurant chef cooking for their customer. Sofea seems taking order like a waitress. Daddy was still holding irfan. Reading a book. The adventures of Tom Sawyer. We just finished read chapter one. And irfan really don't know how long daddy would take to finish reading this book. While ibu was doing her usually stuff. Prepared our lunch meals. It was a simple menu. Ikan tenggiri masak kicap, kentang goreng cili api and kerang rebus. Simple but tasty. Hot and spicy. The way daddy like it been done/served/cooked. Just prepare your water beside you.

Daddy coming home late last night. Every wednesday and friday was daddy sports day. Normally daddy get home before 8:00 pm or around 8:30 pm. But last night daddy arrive almost 10:00pm. It was not because of the heavy rain. Daddy doesn't like to stop below the bridge just because of the rain. It not seems like daddy. If you have seen 'Die Hard' movie than you will understand. Hihihi. Ibu went to see if there is any sms (message) from daddy. Fortunate there is. Daddy have futsal game extend to two hours. Not one hour normally. As a team from RapidKL ask for friendly macth. Kakak aqilah already went to sleep. Just kakak sofea stay awake and have a dinner with daddy.