yes, its another weekend. As usual, pagi-pagi lagi Puteri dah bersiap. Since Dady and ibu nak ke PJ, Dady decided to have breakfast at Restoran Syed kat Kelana Jaya. Dari Seri Putra ke Kelana Jaya lebih kurang dalam 45 minutes aje, tak macam hari-hari Puteri ke sekolah, journey takes almost 1 and half hour. Maklumlah, hari cuti, kereta pun tak banyak, jalan pun tak sesak.
We reach Kelana Jaya at 9.15 am. Ibu order kan Puteri and adik Sofea roti bakar, while ibu pulak roti sardin. Ehmmm....wonder pula Puteri, Dady tak order anything pun. Rupa-rupanya, Dady tunggu "fried chicken" sebab Dady nak makan nasi beriyani. Unfortunately, maybe takde rezeki Dady hari tu, we waited until 10 am, still "fried chicken" tu tak muncul-muncul jugak. At last, Dady decided not to wait, so, we left the restaurant and Dady tak breakfast apa-apa pun.
Next, we went to IOI Mall. We went to Popular Book Shop. Ibu beli few stationery things for her craft work, Puteri beli sticker book and adik Sofea pula a story book (Little Rabbit). Dady pulak beli his favourite DVD "Naruto" and also few stationery things. Puteri and ibu hairan jugak, what is Dady gonna to do with all those stationery things....
We reach home about 2 pm. Lepas makan, all of us tidur (time to rest hehehe....). Petang, Puteri tanya Dady, apa yang Dady nak buat with those stuff yang Dady beli tadi. And, you know what......its art corner for Puteri.....So, boleh lah Puteri hang all Puteri's art work kat sini....thanks Dady....